Sunday 7 June 2015

How To Study Environment For IAS Exam?

How To Study Environment For IAS Exam?

Environment is a term which is widely discussed all over the world, and UPSC question papers year after year are proving that Environment and related areas are a must-know for every Civil Services aspirant. Questions from Environment touch areas of basic understanding as well as hot topics of current importance like Global warming, Urban Heat Islands, Endangered species, Genetic pollution, recent climate summits etc.


Topics of Importance: Environment for UPSC Civil Services

Prioritizing sub-topics in environment is important to crack IAS prelims/mains. The topics of priority are as below.
·         Ecology related aspects: Be familiar with concepts like Ecosystem, Keystone species, Niche, Food chain, Food web etc.
·         Biodiversity related aspects : Be familiar with question-heavy areas like flora and fauna, endangered species, wild life parks, sanctuaries, bio-diversity hot-spots, biosphere reserves, IUCN, summits etc.
·         Climate change/Environment degradation related aspects: Be familiar topics like with global warming, ozone whole depletion, acid rain etc. Also note down important points, when you hear news related to conventions or protocols like Ramset Convention, Montreal Protocol, and Kyoto Protocol etc.


Useful Books for Environment

7.       Objective Environmental Sciences – B. B. Singh (Objective – For Prelims)
PS : Use online resources like IUCN website, Website of Ministry of Environment and Forests etc. extensively. You should also check websites of national and international organizations related to ecology and biodiversity (A few suggestions include Wetlands International, WWF etc.) At this online age, no preparation is complete without using online resources. Also, check latest reports and statistics related to environment or wildlife too.


Terms related with Environment (Quick Check List of Topics)

PS : List of basic topics to be referred in relation with Environment is listed below. (Reference :Wikipedia)


Climate change —

·         Global warming
·         Global dimming
·         Fossil fuels
·         Sea level rise
·         Greenhouse gas
·         Ocean acidification
·         Shutdown of thermohaline circulation
·         Environmental impact of the coal industry
·         Urban Heat Islands


Conservation —

·         Species extinction
·         Pollinator decline
·         Coral bleaching
·         Holocene extinction
·         Invasive species
·         Poaching
·         Endangered species


Energy —

·         Energy conservation
·         Renewable energy
·         Efficient energy use
·         Renewable energy commercialization
·         Environmental impact of the coal industry
·         Environmental impact of hydraulic fracturing


Environmental degradation —

·         Eutrophication
·         Habitat destruction
·         Invasive species


Environmental health —

·         Air quality
·         Asthma
·         Environmental impact of the coal industry
·         Electromagnetic fields
·         Electromagnetic radiation and health
·         Indoor air quality
·         Lead poisoning
·         Sick Building Syndrome
·         Environmental impact of hydraulic fracturing


Genetic engineering —

·         Genetic Pollution.
·         Genetically modified food controversies.


Intensive farming —

·         Overgrazing
·         Irrigation
·         Mono-culture
·         Environmental effects of meat production
·         Slash and burn
·         Pesticide drift
·         Plasticulture


Land degradation —

·         Land pollution
·         Desertification


Soil —

·         Soil conservation
·         Soil erosion
·         Soil contamination
·         Soil salination


Land use —

·         Urban sprawl • Habitat fragmentation • Habitat destruction
·         Nanotechnology — Nan toxicology • Nan pollution


Nuclear issues —

·         Nuclear fallout • Nuclear meltdown • Nuclear power • Nuclear weapons • Nuclear and radiation accidents • Nuclear safety • High-level radioactive waste management


Overpopulation —

·         Burial • Water crisis • Overpopulation in companion animals • Tragedy of the commons • Gender Imbalance in Developing Countries • Sub-replacement fertility levels in developed countries


Ozone depletion —

·         CFC • Biological effects of UV exposure


Pollution —

·         Environmental impact of the coal industry • Nonpoint source pollution • Point source pollution • Light pollution • Noise pollution • Visual pollution


Water pollution —

·         Environmental impact of the coal industry • Acid rain • Eutrophication • Marine pollution • Ocean dumping • Oil spills • Thermal pollution • Urban runoff • Water crisis • Marine debris • Micro plastics • Ocean acidification • Ship pollution • Waste water • Fish kill • Algal bloom • Mercury in fish • Environmental impact of hydraulic fracturing


Air pollution —

·         Environmental impact of the coal industry • Smog • Troposphere ozone • Indoor air quality • Volatile organic compound • Atmospheric particulate matter• Environmental impact of hydraulic fracturing


Reservoirs —

·         Environmental impacts of reservoirs


Resource depletion —

·         Exploitation of natural resources • Over drafting


Consumerism —

·         Consumer capitalism • Planned obsolescence • Over-consumption


Fishing —

·         Blast fishing • Bottom trawling • Cyanide fishing • Ghost nets • Illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing • Overfishing • Shark fining • Whaling


Logging —

·         Clear cutting • Deforestation • Illegal logging


Mining —

·         Acid mine drainage • Environmental impact of hydraulic fracturing • Mountaintop removal mining • Slurry impoundments


Toxins —

·         Chlorofluorocarbons • DDT • Endocrine disruptors • Dioxin • Toxic heavy metals • Environmental impact of the coal industry • Herbicides • Pesticides • Toxic waste • PCB • Bioaccumulation • Biomagnifications• Environmental impact of hydraulic fracturing


Waste —

·         Electronic waste
·         Litter
·         Waste disposal incidents
·         Marine debris
·         Medical waste
·         Landfill
·         Leach ate
·         Environmental impact of the coal industry
·         Incineration
·         Great Pacific Garbage Patch
·         Exporting of hazardous waste

·         Environmental impact of hydraulic fracturing

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